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Hedge Funds in Asia

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Big Japan Hedge Fund Assets Slipping

"It is not the crook in modern business that we fear, but the honest man who doesn't know what he is doing."

Owen D. Young

Interesting happenings among Asia-dedicated hedge funds. For the June through early November 2006 period, 10 of the biggest hedge funds with a Japan Long/Short Equity focus saw combined AUM fall from US$7.5 Bln to US$6.9 Bln, a decline of -8%. On a YTD (year to date) basis the combined performance was down -7.84% when one excludes the notable standout performance of Penta.

Over the same period, the top 7 hedge funds with an Asia Long/Short Equity focus saw AUM hold steady at US$7.7 Bln. On a YTD basis, the average performance of similarly focused Asia funds was up 8.49%.


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